
H2020 Low TRL Smart Grids and Storage Projects clustering event

The CHESTER project participated in the H2020 Low TRL Smart Grids and Storage projects clustering event on 3-4 December 2020. The event was organised by the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) that manages EU Commission programmes on transport, energy and telecommunications.

CHESTER led the sub-cluster related to “Business models” as part of the LOW-TRL Smart Grids and Storage Projects Cluster event on 4 December.  The participants looked for synergies between the EU related projects. They joint efforts and share knowledge and experiences, that a posteriori inspired new ideas for rising projects.

In total, there were 17 new projects as part of the event agenda. 7 EU projects presented the type of business models assessed within these projects, the main conclusions, obstacles. Furthermore, they also discussed potential working pathways proposed to ultimately obtain sustainable and profitable business cases of storage technologies integration and smart grids frameworks.

The 7 sub-clusters led by different projects were as follow:

  • Business Models (CHESTER)
  • Novel Energy Storage (BaoBab)
  • Sector coupling (Planet)
  • Data Management & Interoperability (DRIVE, RESOLVED, E-Dream, DELTA, NET2DG)
  • Ancillary services at distribution grid level (EASY-RES)
  • New compatible architectures for the grid (Storage4grid, E-Lobster, Interplan)
  • Flexibility assessment and modelling, including probabilistic services (Flexcoop)

You can find the full agenda of the event here: Final program.


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